Meditation and relaxation techniques

With countless health practices available many people are confused about which treatment is best for their condition.

Amanda and I have been working for many years with meditation as our foundational health practice. We are fortunate to have access to many healing modalities including; acupuncture,chiropractic,massage, nutrition,craniosacral, Triple Gem – yoga, qigong and meditation amongst others. Of all the personal practices we have available to us meditation is essential.

Some people still think meditation is a form of religion or prayer because many ancient religions incorporated it into their practices but it is not a religion. It is a simple relaxation or centering technique which anyone can do. As a matter of fact many famous and influential writers, musicians and business people daily use some form of Meditation. Daily use of Meditation enables one to relax, dump stress, recharge their battery and receive inspiration and clarity. For these reasons it is very useful and in our opinion essential to remaining grounded, energized and creative in the busy environments we live in today.

We have developed several easy and effective Meditation practices that only take 10 seconds to ten minutes. Meditation is a “personal time out.” It can be done any where. Feeling safe enough to relax and breathe is all that is necessary. Often times people who smoke are really just looking for a deep breath which can help them to relax and discharge stress.

If you are ill, out of sorts or you just want to feel better, think clearer and have more energy and enjoy your life more fully daily Meditation is an exceptional way to accomplish this.

There are many proven health benefits that result from meditation. More is better but quality is more important than quantity. The more relaxed one is the deeper the state of relaxation. These deeper states like theta and delta bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious which is always awake and connected to; the unified field. Other names often used for this unified field are the god field, collective unconscious, oneness field, source, etc. Here is where the deepest healing can take place.

We utilize ancient and modern scientific techniques that access these theta and delta states easily which allows clients to drop into their own internal healer where the deeper healings take place.

When we remove our subconscious blocks to healing our full potential can arise. These techniques are simple enough to teach children.

If you want to learn more about meditation practice and relaxation techniques visit or there are many YouTube videos you can listen to while sitting or laying down which help you to drop down into these deeper states. Don’t be Omless! Breathe and Move. Be aware!

Trust Dream Give Be Grateful Dean & Amanda