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Excerpts – from Be Well Booklet – longevity strategies

Breathe & Move
Breathe & Move

An excerpt from the “Be Well” booklet by Dr Dean B Sanna DC FIAMA CPEP
I feel compelled to offer this to anyone interested! In Joy! Dr Dean



A Daily Routine For Health
The proceeds of this booklet go to support others who have financial challenges.
Every Breath Starts With an Inspiration!
I have spent close to thirty years in clinical practice searching for the most effective ways to help people improve their health and create a better life for themselves. During this time I have met thousands of amazing people who have shared their time, energy and resources with me to assist them in optimizing their lives. In my clinics I have shared countless stories with my patients over the years. We have laughed and cried together and I feel so honored and blessed to be entrusted with the responsibility of helping them obtain a better life.
This responsibility forced me to confront a fundamental question in my own life. What is the most important responsibility I have as a Healer? Is it my patients health or my own health? Of course my patients health is extremely important but I can not be a battery for them if I am not clear kind and fully charged myself. I must be the healthiest person I can be. In order to achieve this goal I must take full responsibility for myself and only then can I assist others. I then must take action and be consistent every day to improve myself.

This has been my journey since my early beginnings in practice in Bend Oregon in the mid-eighties. I encourage you to take full responsibility to be as healthy as you can be. I believe complete health is your greatest gift and ultimate possession. I know you agree that “True Wealth is Health!” Continue daily to achieve wellness on all levels even if failure occurs be kind to yourself and with playful curiosity keep going!

Our gift of Spirit, Mind and Body is truly an amazing one. To sit and ponder the beauty of Life itself, tears me up even as I type. I have tried to find a way through all the philosophical explanations and I have finally arrived at this one fundamental point. Life is a mystery! I gave up trying to solve the mystery. Now, whenever I have a few moments, I sit in silent gratitude and wonderment! I call this the Wow of Now approach to life.

Ladder to Wellness

-Get 8-9 hours of sleep every night, near the same time helps! Rest is highly rated!

-Bed Yoga – wiggle into your body. Breath and move every joint mindfully systematically head to toes – toes to head. Apron waking realize where you are! Notice and appreciate. Giving thanks for another day to love & serve opens up your day for more.

-Drink two 10 oz. glasses of water first thing in the am upon waking up. Then drink enough water to cause your urine to be straw to clear colored.

-Brain Balancing – start the day with Alternate Nostril Breathing – plug one side of your nose and take six counts to inhale, then hold for three counts then exhale out the other nostril for six counts and hold out for three counts then inhale for six counts in same nostril hold for three counts and exhale out the initial nostril for six counts. Theta is one round! Do seven rounds to clear and refresh your brain.

-Eat 4-5 smaller meals throughout the day to keep your blood sugar more stable! If you really want to lose weight “eat green stay lean” says Dr. Dean. More organic produce and fewer simple carbohydrates. Avoid boxed,canned, processed, burnt greasy or fried foods as much as possible; Vegetarian, vegan or Paleo diets are all good places to start. Eating more live food is the key to staying young. Eat more fresh organic fruits, nuts, seeds and high quality proteins.. Smaller portions more frequently will increase your metabolism.

-Nature immersion. Daily movement outdoors when ever possible. Breathe & Move! Yoga, Qi Gong, biking, brisk walking! Moderate frequent forms of exercise are essential to moving and developing your Qi. blood and reducing pent up stress. Brisk walking outdoors and adding burst training and endurance sessions like longer moderate exercises like hiking and biking 2-3 sessions per week will increase your stamina, endurance and cardiovascular health. Bike, swim, run, brisk walk, cross country ski, row with lots of resting throughout the week is an excellent strategy. Even fifteen minutes a day will charge up your body so any amount is excellen. Listen to your body and make sure you are healthy before pushing harder! Warm up by moving every joint starting with feet, ankles or hands and head.

“Touch what’s tender, stretch or release what’s tight, bend, breathe and move and you will be alright.” Be aware, take care!
Additionally do 2-3 short intense workouts every week, 15-30 minutes focused on form. -TRX, weights, kettlebell, stair climbing, hills, circuit training, sprint-walk, burst training 1-2 minutes full out then 1-2 minutes rest. Then do it again.

“Practice makes permanent” so form really matters. Pain changes the way we move and causes patterns of wear like a car with the front end out of alignment. Drive more, wear more. Get regular tune-ups. Chiropractic -muscle therapy- acupuncture, craniosacral.

“Why train in pain it changes your movements and changes the brain? Stretch More, Breath More, Move better, Feel better!

-At work take 1-2 frequent breaks every 15 minutes to ½ hour max. Utilize “Time Compression” -work with laser beam focus for short periods of time, then get up, breathe and move, laugh, stretch and sing then go back to it again!

General Health Tips – review

-Meditate-am/pm 15-60 minutes.

-Live in your Breath. The Wow of Now!

-Develop a daily practice of pranic breathing, stretching, Qi-Gong, easiest to fit into your day upon waking and going to bed. A key point is to deep breathe and move every joint! 5-15 minutes will transform your mind and body very quickly. Learn the 9 pranic energizing breaths for super fast results. One session done correctly takes you 15 minutes max! All ages and fitness levels can perform most or all of these simple exercises.

Here is a simple explanation ;

Nine Energizing Breaths. Summery of Master Steven Co my teacher.

As taught by Dr Dean Sanna. Chimney Rock Healing Center.

Move slow and mindful. Do not perform these energizing exercises if you have inner ear diseases that make you unstable or have balance issues. high blood pressure, migraines, neck or spinal issues. Consult you care giver before performing these exercises they may be very helpful but best for you to discuss with someone who is well versed in pranic breathing and these specific exercises and knowledgeable about neuromusculoskeletal conditions.

Start in a standing position with heels touching and spread your toes apart creating a V shape, look straight ahead, spine straight with hands by sides. This is the starting position unless otherwise instructed.

1. Alternate Nostril. Do 7 inhales and exhales out of each nostril then rest for two breaths between each set. Take 6 counts to inhale and 6 counts to exhale and hold breath in and hold breath out for 3 counts each. Do up to 3 sets of 7 then rest, notice and appreciate your body’s sensations.
While standing with heels touching looking straight ahead with hands by sides. Exhale all your air then inhale in one side for a six count. Hold for a three count then exhale out the other side for six counts. Hold for 3 counts then inhale on that side hold for three then exhale back out the side you started with for six counts. Rest two breaths between rounds of 7 breaths.
2. Flex and extend head.

Do three sets of 14 breaths and one set of 7, resting for two breaths between each set!

(Do not extend and flex your neck quickly! Be mindful during inhale and exhale!)

-Start in Standing position one, with heels touching, looking forward and hands against sides. Exhale all your air as you bring chin to chest. Place tongue on roof of mouth and inhale while extending head backwards. Pause for a moment in extension before exhaling forcefully while smoothly flexing head forward. Finish your inhale and exhale by the time the head has extended or flexed completely. Take another breath with tongue on roof of mouth, while extending your head back comfortably again pause before exhaling sharply releasing tongue from roof of mouth while exhaling. Do 3 sets of 14- and one set of 7. Rest between each set. Be still be aware relax!

From this point on all exercises are done with an extra inhale to super fill your lungs, then do a complete body cinch including the Pubococigeal muscle or PC muscle. This is the muscle that helps stop urination and pulls the rectum superior. Hold the full body contraction while moving thru the exercises.

From exercise 3-9 inhale as much as you can thru the nose while tongue is on the roof of your mouth, then finish the breath in with your mouth! Hold and cinch all your muscles as you perform the rest of these exercises.

3. Tighten entire body including head,hands, feet and PC muscle by doing a pelvic tilt. Do not strain of cause blood vessels to bulge. Inhale and hold for a five count, then exhale out mouth forcefully! Do up to 7 cycles.

4. Raise Hands over head – wrists back to back!
While standing with heels touching and arms at sides begin inhaling as you raise your arms over head bring the back of the wrists together. Hold and cinch all your body muscles as you lower your arms exhaling forcefully in three movements as you lower your arms to 10-2, 9-3, 7-5 clock position, eventually returning your arms to your sides and rest for two breaths. Repeat up to seven times! Notice and appreciate! Take two breaths rest. Do up to 7 cycles.

5. Raise arms in front of u with clinched fists to shoulder / chest height. Tighten your whole body. Hold and pump three times so that your fists go out to sides then back in front like making a T. Rest for 2 breaths! Do up to 7 cycles.

6. Starting in the same position hands at side, inhale and cinch body. Do 3 circles with arms out in front of you while holding breath. Bring arms down to sides and throw your Qi into the ground during exhale. Rest 2 breaths and repeat. Do up to 7 cycles resting for two breaths between each set.

7. Start with hands on back make a diamond with palms facing out. Then as in exercise 6 make three circles starting and ending on the back. At end of each circle return hands to back then do another circle. On last circle return hands to back then swipe down your pelvis clearing any stuck energy and throwing your Qi into the ground. Do up to seven cycles resting for 2 breaths in between.

8. Stand with feet apart, this is the first change in feet position. Keep feet apart and hands on hips for the last two exercises. As usual inhale and tighten all your muscles hold breath then extend and flex head 3 times. On the third head flexion exhale all your breath as you bend over at waist to 90 degrees. Return to up right position and flex at waist 2 more times to 90 degrees ending in a straight up standing position inhale followed by a forceful exhale while throwing your Qi into the ground. Rest 2 breaths, do up to 7 cycles.

9. Stand the same as position 8, inhale tighten your whole body with hands at hips hold your breath and bend side ways 3 times each way. Return to up right position and exhale while throwing your QI into the earth. Lean sideways far enough that your heel comes off the floor slightly. Do 3 times each side and return to standing. Exhale! Do up to seven times resting between each set for two breaths.

At the end of any Qi energizing session I advise grounding your energy and washing your Qi.

First start by shaking your arms and legs several times. To ground your Qi stand straight with your hands at your sides. As you breath in rise up on your toes, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and take a deep breath in making fists at your sides. As you drop down on your heels open your hands and throw your Qi into the earth. Do this three times. To wash your Qi rub your hands together vigorously for a few moments generating some heat. Then rub every part of your body 3 times. Take your time at problem areas. Visualize sending this warm healing Qi into your body. ” Qi is free and it’s good for thee! It’s Infinity! ” Dr Yano


-Relaxation-spend time every day doing nothing. Rest is highly rated in our fast paced goal oriented society.

-Consume pure water (1/2your body weight in ounces). If you weigh 100 pounds drink 50 ounces of water or drink enough to pee straw to clear colored. Super important to start your day with 2 -10 ounce glasses of water with fresh lemon or a pinch of sea salt. One of the best and simplest healing tips available.

-Consume more live uncooked organic foods, include superfoods like bee pollen, royal jelly, blue green algae, chia, flax, and hemp seed, a mixture of good oils and probiotics.

-Vegan diet best choice for longevity. nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies. protein.
Elimination,do a liver, kidney and bowel cleansing every change of season for 3-5 days and juice or water fast one day a week. .

-Daily Nature Immersion! Qi Gong, Yoga, brisk walk, bike or run outdoors fifteen minutes to an hour or so per day is an excellent way to balance out your bio plasmic field. A few minutes walking barefoot or laying on the ground is beneficial and grounding! This balances out your body electromagnetically and counter acts the effects of all the EMF’s from power lines, generators, phones, radio, microwave, computers, electric appliances! Sit often near clean waterfalls, rivers or ocean coasts.

-Hydrotherapy-use hot and cold (steam room, sauna, cold plunge) regularly.
Wear natural fiber clothing and use natural lotions, soap, shampoo, toothpaste and detergent.

-Stop watching TV and avoid most news. Read ½ hour a day, something inspirational or instructional. While in car listen to tapes while commuting.

-Trashing -give away or throw away ⅓ of what you own, in your home keep only things that are useful or beautiful.

-Listen to Yourself- follow your heart and trust your inner voice.

-Express Yourself- say what you feel and use positive affirmations. When you need help ask for guidance and ask questions that provoke contemplation.

– Ask questions! Ask your self and others! Discernment is key when asking others! If they are not clear, developed and done their own work be aware and take care! Lots of false prophets and self professed GURUS! If it feels like ego and not Heart I look at their own state of mind and and being. Are they happy peaceful and kind!

– Set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly intentions or goals for the highest good of all! Or just go with the flow! If you leave port with no destination or map Good Luck – Take Care Be Aware! -Chart your course frequently and make changes when necessary. Ask questions about what you want and how to get it.
Journal your thoughts and ideas regularly.

-Read, write, paint, play and listen to nurturing music often. Play brain games to challenge you mind and keep sharp! Or just play with some clay!

-When stressed, disconnected, confused, angry, lost, depressed get exercise in nature and stay grateful.

-Volunteer your time, energy and resources to help someone else especially strangers and the needy.

-Laugh More-Sing More-Dance More-Play More…Music.
Love, Love, Love.

-How do you know if your on a good path?

Three tests of a good path as taught to me by my teacher SN Goenka – 1. Does it harm you in any way? 2. Does it harm anyone or anything else in any way? 3. Does it bring you results today. Examples of good results -brings you more peace, love, harmony, compassion, joy and kindness! If not it may not be a good path!

Be grateful for everything that shows up in your life because the Universe is Benevolent. Life happens for you not to you.

Live Fully Love Openly Serve Greatly.

Be Well Dr Dean

Chimney Rock Healing Center – Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Hotsprings healers.com