An easy but essential Daily Routine!

Daily Practice- “The best teacher is Daily Practice”

Breathe and Move stay in the groove! Live in the breath and you will be in the Wow of Now!

1. Wake up SLOWLY – Wiggle Every Joint While Breathing. Like a cat, stretch, yawn and move.

Notice your breath & wiggle into your body! Move your toes, hands and rotate your ankles and wrists while you breathe. Stretch your arms and legs! Make yourself longer. Take some slow intentional breaths! Take 6 seconds to in hale and hold for 3 seconds and then exhale for 6 seconds! Do this again and tighten every muscle but don’t strain, hold for 3 seconds then let your breath out. Do a few of these full body cinches then relax for a few moments and notice and appreciate the body sensations. Before you get out of bed wiggle and breathe into every joint and muscle. Visualize putting a nose where ever there is pain, tension or stiffness and breathe into that area for a few breaths. Key to staying loose is to ” touch what is tender, stretch or release what is tight, bend breathe and move and loosen what’s tight!

Bed yoga is so easy and essential to do Am/ Pm! Do the cinches technique at night especially if you can’t sleep!

Hydrate – As soon as you wake up Drink Water!

Get up and drink 2 glasses of water first thing. Add fresh squeezed lemon and or a little sea salt. I put chia, hemp and flax seeds in my water bottle. It provides great protein to keep the blood sugar level, lots of essential fatty acids ( omega 3) and excellent fiber and nutrition to help hydrate and scrub out the colon. Not to mention more anti oxidants then blueberries. It is so good to flush the toxins and waste out of the body that your body has cleared from the organs and tissues while you were sleeping. Tip – don’t eat heavy foods at night! At night eat light, in the morning use watery warming, ie. Teas, Miso soup, hot lemon water. At noon leave room- if you over eat the brain will shut down. If you eat heavy or don’t leave 2-3 hours before bed time after dinner you will wake up with a food hang-over feeling stiff and groggy. Best diet I believe in general is a Paleo Diet including probiotics, nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies, proteins ie . ( mushrooms, beans, quinoa, chia, hemp, flax and flower pollen) are all great meat substitutes with little environmental pollution if you buy certified organic foods. Eat organic it’s good for the planet!

Copy and paste this link to here the latest about microbes in our bodies on Ted Talks by Dr Mercola.

Balance the Brain – perform Alternate Nostril Breathing

When you are breathing visualize you are flushing the brain out and flooding it with energizing Qi energy! In with the new energizing energy and out with the old toxic waste. This is a great way to wake up your brain and prepare your day! Much more effective than coffee with no bad side effects that spike your blood sugar causing systemic inflammation. Anything that spikes your blood sugar causes inflammation which is the root problem with many major diseases, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and even many cancers. Not to mention that coffee, carbonated, and sugary juices like orange can reeks havoc on stomach PH and harm your intestinal flora which have been shown to influence health and emotions and current research is demonstrating that we have over 100 Trillion microbes in and on our body that when disrupted can cause all sorts of imbalances, diseases and even effect our emotions. “Clean your brain stay sane”

Sit or stand to perform Alternate Nostril breathing. I like my teacher, Master Steven Co’s method!

Start on one side of your nose and place one finger over one nostril and seal it off. Now take a 6 count to bring in the breath, hold for 3 counts and unplug the other side and exhale for 6 counts! Hold the breath out for 3 counts and then inhale on the same side for 6 counts. Hold for 3 counts again and exhale on the starting nostril. If this seems confusing just do 7 rounds on each side. Then relax notice and appreciate the body’s sensations.

Meditate Am/Pm – Buddha said, stay with the breath and or some body sensation all your waking day!

With sitting meditation 2 minutes or 2 hours matters not? It’s about mindfulness! Soon you will find you will want to sit for longer and longer periods. The important thing is ” the continuity of practice” daily for 5 minutes reaps better results than 2 hours on Saturday.

Sit still, close your eyes and relax! Notice your breath going in and out of your nostrils. Notice the breath coming in is slightly cooler than the breath going out. Keep your mind on the area above your upper lip and below your nostrils for several breaths. When your mind wonders bring it back to this small area gently and be patient everyone’s mind will wonder and race around. Remember we all have a monkey mind that wants to swing from one thought to another like a monkey swinging thru the trees grasping one brach after another. With time you will be able to stay focused on this area for longer and longer periods. Never get mad or impatient, ” Just Observe, just observe what is! Notice and appreciate that which is the Now.

Start your day-

What ever you are doing, do it mindfully! Being grateful lights up your brain and delivers you “Brain Candy” ie. Endorphins and other happy hormones. Go do what you like but like what you do and let the world come to you!

Be well, Dr Dean & Amanda.

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